Week 8



              The day started with the students coming in and reading the note on the door. The note said, “Dear Class, please unpack and use the bathroom. Then work on your math. Love, Mrs. Crump.” The math worksheet was a review from the day before. When the students were done with their math worksheet, they got to read to themselves. Some students chose to take AR test when they completed the worksheet. The students wanted to take the AR tests because they get stickers from the teacher when they receive a 4/5 or a 5/5. 
            Next, Mrs. Crump did a mini lesson on grammar. The class had to figure out the mistakes made in the note written on the board. They have been reading a note every day since the first day of school, so they had a good idea of what the mistakes were. 
            Next, the students started on a lesson about describing words. The students had written in their journals the day before a sentence, “The boy is wearing a coat.” The students then had to illustrate the sentence. After they drew their pictures, I did my read aloud. During my read aloud, I asked the students predicting questions. After I did my read aloud, the students went to their desks to finish the lesson on descriptive words. Mrs. Crump drew her picture of what she thought the sentence looked like. Then she explained to them that all of the pictures were right, but they can use describing/descriptive words to explain their sentences better.
            After the lesson on describing words, the students had daily 5. During daily 5 students did different activities. Students could read to self, read to someone, listen to books on tape, do reading games on the computer and do different word work activities.
            Next, the students went to PE. They had a blast! All of the students love P.E. because they get to run around and get out all of their energy.
            When the students got back from PE, they had group time. Now that the students have a good idea of what they are supposed to be doing, Mrs. Crump added something new to the usual routine. This week, the students signed the word October and sang a song that talks about the month October. The students love to sing!
            After calendar time, the students went to lunch. Today the cafeteria served spaghetti, cheeseburgers, salads, watermelon, and cookies for dessert. When lunch was over, the kids went back to the classroom and did a math workshop.
            The teacher explained each activity and reviewed the material they were going to work on. There were three different rounds the students were doing. They had a worksheet and reading station, games stations, and a station where they did an activity with Mrs. Crump. When this was over, the class went to the gym for an All-Star celebration. At the All-Star Ceremony, Mrs. Crump's class won the drama award and the Cleaning award given by Mr. Henry. 
              The students worked very hard today and learned a lot! I can't wait for next week to see what new things the students learn. 

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    Ms. Hall

    In this section, Ms. Hall will talk about what the students did during the day. Please leave comments and questions and I will answer them as quickly as possible.


    October 2012

